My Cosmic Joke

Charles Dickens walks into a bar.

He lists the origin and history of the entire liquor selection. He describes the shape of every beer tap. He gives a presentation on the origin of the unique woods in his rigid barstool.

A voice calls to him, “Come here and know me better man.”

A massive buffoon in a proto-Santa suit nearly chokes on a Turkey leg as he stabs a fat hand at a shelve of books and draws out A Tale of Two Cities.

“It was the best of times,” he chuckles. “Etcetera.” He guffaws.

“It was all those things you greedy fellow,” the fat man chuckles. “Always is, I suppose. Wouldn’t hurt to pick a side all the same.”

“To rape the bard,” the jolly apparition continued. “All the world’s a stage, and authenticity sells the role, but the one that daddy give’s you shouldn’t mean a thing at all. Go ask markets, they’ll commoditize it all.”

About dialectetus

You can't look twice at the same profile... eh it works for streams. Do the same electrons remain trapped in the same place in the same server until I change this profile? I would think not, but I'm no physicist. If so, I feel bad for those little particle men. Words are spells. One spells words. At least, that's what they tell me...
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